Featured articles and guest appearances

Bob Massa & Bill Conley

Articles – Publications – Guest Appearances

Admissions Staff Accountability and Travel: Don’t throw the student recruitment baby out with the COVID bathwater.  Massa and Conley,  (Inside Higher Ed, 3/20/23).

What Will Really Improve College Equity and Access(hint: it’s not the elimination of legacy admissions!). Massa and Conley, 2022 (Inside Higher Ed, 3/21/22)

The Great Interruption: What do COVID-influenced enrollment patterns portend for higher education? Conley and Massa, 2022 (Inside Higher Ed, 2/28/22).

Do Algorithms Really Contribute to Higher Education’s Crisis?   Massa and Conley, 2022 (Inside Higher Ed, 1/24/22)

Enrolling more Students at Prestigious Colleges is a Losing Strategy. Massa and Conley, 2021

In Defense of Holistic Admission. Massa, Conley, and Holmes, 2021

Dial-up your Dashboard: Yield, Summer Melt & Retention.  Massa and Conley, 2021

GM Sees 2035 Very Clearly.  Will Higher Education?   Conley and Massa, 2021

The Early Decision Uptick: College gain; Low-Income students lose.  Massa and Conley, 2021

Standardized Testing and College Admissions: Plan for a New Relationship.  Conley and Massa, 2020

Can an Early Decision Emphasis Help Meet Fall ’21 Enrollment Goals?  Massa and Conley, 2020

Leading in a Pandemic: turn the stages of grief into institutional opportunity.  Conley and Massa, 2020

Price, Enrollment, and Revenues in the COVID Era: Charting a Sustainable Course.  Massa and Conley, 2020

Tuition Policy in a Pandemic. Massa, 2020

Five Ways the Corona Virus Will Change College Admissions.  Massa, 2020

Corona Virus Silver Lining: Easier to get into Top Colleges. Schifrin (Conley, Massa quotes), 2020

Why Public Universities are Chasing Rich Kids from Out of State.  Massa, 2020

Are You Prepared for the Upcoming Enrollment Cliff?  Conley, 2020

A Question of Character.  Massa, 2019

Another Round of Chaos in College Admissions.  Massa, 2019

Preparing for the Great Enrollment Crash.  Massa, et.al., 2019

Here’s why colleges are forced to close.  Massa, 2019

The Great Enrollment Crash.  Conley, 2019

When  Character Calls.  Massa, et.al., 2019

Cutting Tuition is not a Gimmick.  Massa, 2017


Webinars & Podcasts

Massa and Conley Podcast: Tough times ahead for higher education enrollment Conley & Massa 11/14/2023

Driving Pandemic University Enrollment. Conley & Massa 11/20

Enrollment Leadership in Turbulent Times. Conley & Massa 5/20

Are You Prepared for the Enrollment Cliff? Conley, 3/20

What’s next for Enrollment?  Conley, 11/19